středa 14. prosince 2011

Alert dialog

Alert dialog for showing details of event was implemented. There was also fixed application behaviour when connection is not available.

Result order

From now it is possible to order results (CTU's events) by date. Maximum number of returned items is 100.

úterý 13. prosince 2011

Application View

New page in Party Pool sites was created. There are decribed and illustrated architecture, data sources and used technologies for PPA implementation.

neděle 11. prosince 2011

Low Fidelity Prototype

Due to lack of time we are not able to implement all functions of Party Pool application. For simulating the expected behaviour of PPA was created Low Fidelity Prototype by MS Visio 2010. In the future we would like to implement user log in, viewing events (MY EVENTS in prototype), where user confirmed participation and some information about PPA (ABOUT PPA in prototype). You can also see home page of PPA.

čtvrtek 8. prosince 2011

CVUT events updating

Update of CVUT events works correctly. Unsupported Text type search was fixed. So users can search CVUT events and add their own actions.

středa 7. prosince 2011

Events adding

Add Tab and add function were implemented. Now users can add their own actions.

Search events

Search function was implemented to GAE (= Google App Engine). Now is possible to search events from Android

úterý 6. prosince 2011

Autoupdate implementation

Now we are working on autoupdating CVUT events. New database class wass added. Persistence Manager Factory design pattern is used for working with database and provides access to Persistence Manager which allow objects to be persisted and retrieved.

neděle 4. prosince 2011


Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. Cron enables users to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run periodically at certain times or dates. It is commonly used to automate system maintenance or administration, though its general-purpose nature means that it can be used for other purposes, such as connecting to the Internet and downloading email.

In PPA will be cron used to downloading CVUT events. Here is the first version of cron.xml file:

sobota 3. prosince 2011

Parsing of CVUT events

All CVUT actions could be loaded by button "Find events". Then should be displayed in a table under this button. New thread for REST connection was created because that is potentially long term operation.

pátek 2. prosince 2011


- ListView for displaying events was fixed
- new title for SearchTab layout was created

středa 30. listopadu 2011


TabView and Array adaptor were completely implemented for displaying events information at Search Tab. Events are read from GAE and are displayed in PP apllication. Also required design was added.

úterý 29. listopadu 2011

CVUT actions

Party Pool aplication will be primary situated on action hold by CVUT. As a bonus there will be posibility to add own action.

čtvrtek 24. listopadu 2011

Future plan

Today we had a team meeting where we defined our priorities for this project. As we said we would like to completely implement search and add function. The another functionalities will be user login, update and delete events. We have a concept of our Party Pool application and we try to realize it. Maybe we will not implement yet all functionalities. In this blog we will inform you about progress of PPA.

úterý 22. listopadu 2011


Here is the first version of Search (picture no 1) and Add (picture no 2) function. We have some problems with fragments in Rest but we believe that we solve it.

Picture no 1

Picture no 2

úterý 15. listopadu 2011

REST services

We made interface for some methods, which will be used in PPA. In the picture you can see methods for finding, adding, updating and deleting events. The last is method for our first developed application Hello World. Now we try to achieve the first goal - ADD and SEARCH functions.

čtvrtek 10. listopadu 2011

PPA started

Today we started to develop Party Pool application. Our first task is to implement ADD and SEARCH functions. We will inform about progress.

pátek 4. listopadu 2011

Restlet Base

We try to made simple Rest Client. Restlet is a open source project that provides a concrete solution for people wanting to build solid apllications folowing the Rest arhitecture style defined by Roy T. Fielding.  The mission of this open source project is to bring the simplicity and efficiency of the REST architecture style to java developers.
More info you can see in Restlet Base section.

úterý 25. října 2011

User research

We made two kinds of user researchs. The first one was quantitave approach and the second one was qualitative approach. For more info look to section User Research.

sobota 22. října 2011

Git repository

Today Libor created repository for sharing source code and all members of Party Pool team succesfully installed ADT (Android Development Tools) plugin to Eclipse, which will be our developmnet environment.

čtvrtek 13. října 2011

Focus of PPA

We discused focus of Party Pool application (PPA)  with our lector and we desided that the main goal of PPA will be collecting and representing CVUT's actions. Users will be able to confirm any action participation and evaluate it.

We would like also implement creating actions for "normal" users but it depends on severity of  our application. At the moment it's not priority for us.