úterý 25. října 2011

User research

We made two kinds of user researchs. The first one was quantitave approach and the second one was qualitative approach. For more info look to section User Research.

sobota 22. října 2011

Git repository

Today Libor created repository for sharing source code and all members of Party Pool team succesfully installed ADT (Android Development Tools) plugin to Eclipse, which will be our developmnet environment.

čtvrtek 13. října 2011

Focus of PPA

We discused focus of Party Pool application (PPA)  with our lector and we desided that the main goal of PPA will be collecting and representing CVUT's actions. Users will be able to confirm any action participation and evaluate it.

We would like also implement creating actions for "normal" users but it depends on severity of  our application. At the moment it's not priority for us.